Flying With Beethoven

Flying With Beethoven

The dust spun and danced in the late afternoon sun, then settled for just a short time upon the black Steinway grand piano. I waited on one of the many hard chairs that lined Mrs. Adams living room with my sheet music on my lap, until she waved me towards the kitchen...

Color-Coded Chaos

Will finished his cigarette and  took one last look around his yard, his house then grabbed his cooler and shoved it into the back of his black pickup and rode off. I could see him through my sunroom window where I pray every morning, through the thin layer of cedar...

The Last Escape

  My eyes snapped open as I heard the soft creak of the stairs, the gentle whoosh of the front door, then a few minutes later, an engine turn over. As it idled for a minute, my husband rolled over next to me. “Why does she do that?” he asked in a...

A Father’s Perfect Love

*** Dear friends- in the beautiful but sometimes perplexing spirit of Father’s Day, I am reposting this from 2017.  I pray it will bless and minister to someone!   Pawwwwwt Chestah!! I can still hear the conductor holler over the clack and rattle of the train and...

Turkeys That Fly and Other Miracles

Turkeys don’t fly. Or so we thought. My husband and I were taking a walk to town when we passed a young man on a bike. “I might be crazy but I think I just saw some turkeys taking off from a roof over there!” He was breathless, and looked back over his shoulder at us...

Old Nurses Never Die; They Just Have Surgery

Robin. I had penned the letters over silk tape and stuck it to a locker 7 years ago. I caught the corner and pulled it off, closed the empty locker door and headed out, taking one last look at the small break room. The room is tucked away, off a hallway used by...